Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where Do Interns Live?

Our interns live in the dorms at Concordia University, a Christian college located about one mile from PUMP. Last year was the first time we housed interns there, and they all loved it. It is close enough to be really involved with PUMP families and the church, but far enough to step away when needed. Everyone has their own room in a suite, which again is a great thing for all. It is always great when a few interns have their own cars for independence and the always planned day trips to the beach or Seattle or whatever. The PUMP van is available for work use as well. Portland has a great mass transit system and is also very bike-friendly.

Tell Us About the Church There

PUMP Church of Christ is a truly unique place. We meet in a two-story house (google maps) in a residential neighborhood in Northeast Portland. This neighborhood has historically been the most racially- and ethnically-diverse area of Portland. Now the area is being changed by an influx of younger white couples who can afford the outrageous housing prices. Our church has probably fifty or so on a given Sunday. We are comprised of a lot of young white families (with a gazillion kids) who have transplanted or commute in. We then have "community" people who come - single adults or kids (mostly black) who ride in on the PUMP van. Financially we range from a man who lives in his van with his five dogs to an empty-nest couple whom I imagine make well into six digits. Our church is really, really relaxed. We often hear how people feel very welcome here - no matter their station in life, or clothes, or whatever. It is a place where people are truly loved, no matter what. It is a child-oriented congregation; our services are made to be kid-friendly. That naturally lends itself to a bit of chaos, noise, and fun. There are a few teens that come sporadically, but there is no formalized youth group to speak of. We are working on how to grow with our kids. At this point, we lose many after junior high.

To clarify, PUMP church and PSP are two different entities. There are some kids who are at both, but that's not the rule. PSP is made up of almost all black (& a few Hispanic) children; the only white ones are from PUMP's transplant families (like my kids). PSP has a great reputation as a quality program in this community. We get a lot of kids who are actually involved in other community churches. After eight years, we have built up some great relationships with some of our PSP families.

*BTW, it feels a bit odd to use so much racial descriptors, but I want you to have a clear picture of what life looks like here.

How Many Interns Do You Take?

We generally have between 5-10 interns. It varies depending on the length & size of the program for that year; more importantly, it depends on who applies - we only take those who will be a great fit. This year so far we are talking with some great candidates from ACU, New Mexico, and Cascade college. Along with our interns, we have a Coordinator who works full-time for the summer on PSP.

PSP Internship Site!

We are using this blog to talk about all things related to PUMP Summer Program. As candidates send us questions, we may post the answers here in order to give a more clear picture of who PUMP is, what PSP looks like, what fun things there are to do in Portland, and all of that. Looking forward to putting together another great internship team for this summer!