Saturday, February 16, 2008

Is it High Time to Start Raising Money? Is There Any Certain 'Way' People Go About Doing That? Any Suggestions?

Fundraising is not the big, bad beast that many people fear. You are experiencing a great community service opportunity with beautiful urban youth. Many people would love to experience such a summer, but circumstances do not allow for it. You are allowing them the opportunity to partner with you on this great work. When they send you money, you are sharing in this ministry with that person. It is a blessing for people to share their monetary gifts with you. Ask freely - don't decide for others whether or not they can or will give.

As soon as you are accepted as an intern, you can begin fundraising. I will send interns a packet with tons of fundraising information, as well as sample letters.

What Does the Meal Situation Look Like for Staff?

Staff is provided breakfast & lunch on program days. There are other occasions when PUMP will take the PSP staff out for a meal. Otherwise, weekends & dinners are on your own. Your apartment should have a fully equipped kitchen. The PUMP family will work to loan you or get kitchen supplies that are needed - unless you want to bring your own.

How Many Interns Will There Be?

We take "the right number" of interns each year. It is more important for us to have the right fit of interns than to have a certain number. We generally have between 5-8 interns.

Does PSP Provide Meals for Kids?

We receive free lunch for the kids through the federal lunch program.

How Big Are the Youth Groups?

We divide much of the program into two age groups - 1-3 & 4-6. We have either one large youth group or two smaller groups for each of the age divisions. It would be great if we have 20 youth with 4-5 adults per group. Sometimes we have much less than that; on occasion we will not have a youth group signed up for one week (or a group drops out), so we (PUMP & interns) cover that week. I believe we have almost all of our weeks already filled for 2008.

Do the Same Kids Attend Each Week?

Kids sign up for the entire summer. If they let us know that they will be gone for a certain week with a good reason (e.g. family vacation), their slot will be held. Otherwise, if they miss twice in one week without a good excuse, they lose their spot in PSP. We're not terribly strict about attendance, but we want kids to be consistent and not just attend on field trip days!

How Many Kids Come to PSP?

The PSP team determines each year the number of kids that will be accepted based on our facility and needs. Due to the great reputation of this program, each year we have to turn away kids. We are looking at being in an elementary school again this year, which will allow us an increase in numbers (we have been in church buildings the last few years). I would guess we'll have around 100 kids who have completed grades 1-6.

What Does a Day at PSP Look Like?

On most Saturday evenings you would meet the incoming youth group and get them settled at Cascade College. On Sundays, you will attend PUMP for worship. The afternoon is spent in orientation with the youth group and set-up for the upcoming week at the PSP site. Monday through Wednesday, you start the day with a devo & breakfast with the youth group. Kids start arriving at 9:00. There is group assembly time, then reading groups. These are small groups led by volunteers from the local area, interns, and youth group leaders. After lunch is the VBS time led by the visiting youth groups (each week a different group or two come as their mission trip). The day ends with afternoon activities - crafts, outdoor sports, or a special event (e.g. magician) and then the final large assembly of the day. Kids are picked up at 2:30-3:00; then we clean & debrief. Thursdays, we move the VBS portion to the morning and do not have reading groups; the afternoon is spent on a field trip - bowling, water park, science museum, etc. Friday & Saturday are your days off.

Should We Fly or Drive?

It is highly advantageous for you to drive. It is not required for interns to have their own car here, but there will be lots of excursions that you will want to take. The PUMP van would be available for work use, but you would not have the freedom you might desire.